Has Relaunched!
Dear Fans and Friends, I am pleased to announce the launch of the brand new, redesigned . This launch culminates my vision of a building a comprehensive Paula Abdul web site that was built by the fans, for the fans. continues to this day and, for the last 17 years, to be the largest Paula Abdul web site on the Internet. I started building my Paula Abdul web site in 1997 because I didn’t like having to visit multiple web sites to get current information on Paula’s various projects. Based on a bet from my brother that I would never learn HTML, I picked up a book and used my love of Paula Abdul’s music as my inspiration for learning how to build a web site. I figured if I could indirectly help create more interest in Paula Abdul and her music, and thereby help sell more records, she may be able to release more music which I enjoy. Flash forward two years and in the fall of 1999 I received a call from Keith Lewis (Music Producer on “Card...